Abutment interface
Reduces infection of the perio-implant tissues
Reduces bacteria proliferation into the implant cavities
Reduces halitosis and unpleasant taste
Ensure the screw against loosing
Prevents the peri-implantitis and bone degeneration as it may cause the implant loos

Sealing Silicone for Implant-Abutment Interface.
AbutmentFix is a fluid transparent A-Silicone in Minimix- syringe for sealing gaps
in systems that have a micro-gap of 4-120 um between the implant and the abutment.
In these implant gaps, harmful bacteria cultures can easily multiply.
Due to its thixotropic behavior, the AbutmentFix can penetrate these spaces and seals them reliably which in a short time after curing.
As a result, this critical area is protected against bacterial infection and thus counteracts the development of peri-implantitis.
AbutmentFix is a low viscosity addition curing vinyl silicone. Its excellent flow properties result in very good sealing.
AbutmentFix is a sealing gel for implantology with the following advantages:
Reduces infection of the perio-implant tissues
Reduces bacteria proliferation into the implant cavities
Reduces halitosis and unpleasant taste
Ensure the screw against loosing
Prevents the peri-implantitis and bone degeneration as it may cause the implant loos
Sealing Silicone for sealing all kind of gaps/cavities in the implant prosthetics:
Sealing between implant and abutment of assembled implants.
Sealing of party removable crowns, bridges' bar prosthetics and telescopic system on implant and abutments
Securing screws in implant systems
Sealing between implant and abutment of assembled implants.
Sealing of partly removable (e.g. screwed) crowns, bridges, bar prosthetics and telescopic system on implants and abutments.